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Elm Grove First

Eric Peter
Candidate for Elm Grove Village Trustee 2025
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Eric Peter for Elm Grove Village Trustee


Elm Grove First!

Taxpayers, Homeowners, Business Owners, Residents

Believe in local accountability & decision making

Committed to maintaining the peaceful and friendly nature of our very unique community 


Updating Aging Infrastructure

Safety & Security enhancements

Caroline Heights Development

Volunteer Needs 


Third generation Elm Grove resident

Raised my family in Elm Grove

SE Wisconsin business owner

Elm Grove Board of Appeals Member

Milwaukee Rescue Mission Director

Various Corporate & Social Boards


Dear Voter,

Elm Grove is approaching an inflection point.  We are in need of upgrades and enhancements to infrastructure and local amenities while at the same time adapting to a massive new rental property in our central Village.  There will be challenges to safety, traffic, security and budgets.  All of this will require truthful and open communication with our residents and business owners.  Putting Elm Grove first in facing all these challenges will be paramount.  The team of professionals who manage and protect our beautiful Village are all excellent people who need our support.

In this role I will have no agenda other than what is best for Elm Grove, its taxpayers and its residents.  I intend to act truthfully and transparently in addressing Elm Grove issues and improvements.  Being a Trustee implies that you have invested your trust, and I intend to do my best to honor that trust.


My Priorities

Elm Grove First

Local Decision and Local Accountability
1955 - 2025

Having lived in surrounding communities, this tiny village in eastern Waukesha County is unique.  Today’s Elm Grove experience is quite similar to past generations, and to most residents that’s good.  Preserving that unique substance for successive generations is my goal.

Our New Local Challenge

Caroline Heights Development
2025 Priority

We will soon face the assimilation of the Caroline Heights development into our Village. Retaining the special essence of Elm Grove will require monitoring and addressing traffic, safety, noise and other items which may arise from high density housing.  Greater services for any of these may create additional financial burdens.

Downtown Projects

Creek Daylighting Project
2025 - 2027

Responsibly and well executed, this necessary project could be a delightful enhancement to the Elm Grove experience. Finalizing the design and implementing it in an appealing, functional and financially responsible manner will be a near term priority.

Looking Forward

Updated Village Master Plan

Safety for pedestrians and bikers will continue to be an ongoing concern. I am committed to the eventual completion or our pedestrian path project. We are overdue to update our Village Master Plan and we will seek to finalize and execute as much of the CORP plan as is reasonable. I believe these responsibilities should fall under local decision making.